India’s General Election 2019 – What would a second Modi term mean for business?
Under this over-arching theme, we are convening a panel of experts in a seminar that delves into what the upcoming Indian General Election means for sectors across the economy and international trade and relations.
Though the Indian General Election, which will be completed by 2019, may seem distant, you can be sure campaigning has already begun, especially in the proxy of key bell-weather State elections taking place in December. Critics argue that the current BJP government has let economic policy take a backseat to populist, nationalist rhetoric, however Modi’s implementation of sweeping structural reforms have been recognised as positive for long-term economic prosperity by others. But what would a second Modi term mean for business?
To find out, we hope you can make what is the headline of UKIBC’s dedicated Indian Election series this side of 2019.
To find out more about participating in this UKIBC seminar email