In July 2015, Prime Minister Modi launched the ‘Skill India’ initiative – which aims to train over 40 crores (400 million) people in India in a range of skills by 2022
Skill India is about unlocking the substantial, and currently largely unlocked potential of India’s huge working-age population.
It is potentially revolutionary in its nature, and as India looks to compete with the world’s largest economies in the years to come, upskilling its population will be of vital importance. The campaign covers a variety of areas, and sectors, and includes various initiatives such as:
- National Skill Development Mission
- National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, 2015
- Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)
- Skill Loan scheme
- Rural India Skill
- Partnership concept
Skill India has also opened up new areas for UK-India collaboration, with ‘virtual partnerships’ forming at school level, to enable students from both countries to experience each other’s school systems, cultures, traditions and social structures. In addition, a commitment has been made to achieve mutual recognition of UK and Indian qualifications.
To see more on Modi’s campaigns, click here.